Aftercare and Advice
What to expect after an anti-wrinkle procedure
Injections can cause small amounts of swelling, redness, bruising, temporary bumps, a mild to moderate headache, and sensations such as tingling or mild itching after the treatment. These effects are common and can be considered a normal part of the process.
How to reduce the chance of infection
Do not touch the treated area for 6 hours
Do not apply makeup over the treated area for 24 hours (unless it is mineral based)
If you need to wear a facial mask, ensure it is clean at all times and change regularly
How to protect yourself and reduce side effects
Complications are rare, but it is vital to be aware of the signs. Contact us or seek urgent care if any of the following occurs:
Dry eye, drooping eyelid or heavy brow
If you are experiencing any other side effects you think are important to mention
If you feel distressed or worried in any way following your treatment